Prevention Initiative

The Clay County Health Department’s P.I./PLAY Program is a free home-visiting program for parents of children ages prenatal through three years.  The PLAY Program serves all school districts throughout Clay County. We value the family’s primary relationship with their child and work to enhance the child’s development and support the family’s knowledge, skills, and abilities by offering bi-monthly home visits. We conduct routine developmental, hearing and vision screenings, connect parents to area resources and promote socialization through group activities. 

The PLAY Program utilizes the evidence-based Parents As Teachers Curriculum which studies have shown leads children to be healthier, score higher on kindergarten readiness tests, be better problem solvers, and more advanced in language and social development.  In addition, Parents As Teachers parents are more informed on early childhood development and education, are more involved in their child’s education, connect more to their children through play and reading time, and are more confident in their role as a parent. 

 The program is an equal opportunity program and eligible to all persons regardless of race, sex, national origin, age or disability.

For more information, please contact Doris Lusk at or Samantha Weidner at or by calling 618-662-4406. 

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